Wed. Morning Update on Pammie  

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

As of 7:00AM this morning, Pam is still asleep. We were all hoping to see her awake by yesterday, out of the ICU today and getting ready to go home. But this is not the case. Pammie is still not responding to voice commands like “squeeze my hand” or “wiggle your fingers” or "move your head to tell me that you hear me" or anything like that. Now... this could be that Pam was just really affected by all of that anesthesia and is still just taking her time to wake up, but at this point the docs are also concerned that she is not waking up due to some complication from the surgery. She is getting a Cat Scan now which is partly routine after a surgery like hers, but the docs are especially anxious to see if there was a blood clot or bleed after the surgery or anything else that might help explain why she's not waking up. Obviously, the hope is that they find nothing and it is indeed just Pam taking her time.

We had to get the update by way of a phone call to the ICU this morning. Visiting hours are only from 10AM to 12Am, then from 2PM to 3PM and then from 6PM to 8PM. And yesterday they really enforced those hours on us which stinks. We plan to be there by 8AM this morning though as that is when Dr. Efron will be rounding on her. The funny thing is that anybody can just walk right into the ICU. It's not locked or anything. So we'll just scoot on back there and turn on that Pammie Charm that she taught us so well and see what's up with that Cat Scan.

More to come in a few hours. Thanks for all your kind words. I plan to read your comments to mom today. These will be especially touching when she does wake up and sees how many of you have been thinking of her.

Lot's of Love,

Pammie's Fan Club Management

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