A Special Thanks to All  

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Hey all you Pammie People,

Jocelyn and I wanted to take a moment to publicly thank everyone for all that you have done. The outpouring of love and support has been unbelievable. Over time we will be able to reach out to everyone individually but felt we should at the very least post this note to say just how appreciative we are for all you have done. First and foremost, the emails, cards, phone calls, texts and hugs received immediately following our mom's passing were exactly what we needed. Your love and affection warmed our hearts and brought us much needed comfort and strength. Thank you to all that donated to mom's memorial fund as well. That money has really helped us take care of the finances required during a time like this and we cannot thank you enough.

And to those that helped with the service and celebration....wow! I think we can all agree that both were amazing and it simply would not have happened without the help of those involved. The food! Oh my goodness! Amazing! The music...perfect! And the spirit of that party was so warm and inviting...Jocelyn and I didn't want it to end. That evening and the attendance clearly demonstrated the effect that our mom has had on everyone. Jocelyn and I received hugs from old friends who haven't seen Pammie in years to friends who had only met her a few months ago. Regardless of how long each person knew our mom, the underlying theme was the same. You all loved her. She touched each of you in a special way. Pammie stood out in your minds above many others because of her sincerity, her kindness, her concern for your well being, her humor, her love for the A's, her incredible navigation skills, her knowledge of the real estate market, her positive attitude, her genuine love for you and my personal favorite....her smile. Momma's smile is so bright in my memory and I know it is in yours and I love that.

I know many want to know how Jocelyn and I are doing and I think it's safe to say that we're doing okay. We miss mom terribly though, especially in the morning. Mom was a morning person and would call us to check in and start her day. After talking to Jocelyn we confessed to each other that we both find ourselves looking at our phones during the morning...waiting for mom to call. It hurts like no other hurt to know that "mom" will never pop up on our phones again. To know that we won't hear that perky voice (at 6AM) is something that will be painful for a long time for us. But...we do our best to take comfort in the fact that mom is comfortable now. She is in a better place and God has plans for her and she is following Him. Although, it appears that she submitted some of her own requests immediately after arriving in Heaven. You see, Kelly and I have been trying to get pregnant again (I know I know...we're crazy). On the Wednesday after mom's surgery, Kelly took a pregnancy test and it was negative. Mom died on Friday and that following Sunday, Kelly took another test. And it was positive! That's right...positive! I like to think that in true Pammie fashion, she got up to Heaven and saw the deal and didn't like it, so she submitted a counter offer. And of course it was accepted. Thanks mom!

I have plans for this blog. I will get the slide show posted as soon as possible and I will add some fun things about our Pammie as time goes on so please continue to check it.

We love you all and thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!

Ryan and Jocelyn

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